Cookie Policy

DEFINITIONS and Functions

Cookies are identifiers that are sent to your computer’s hard drive through your browser. Their purpose to recognise your browser and offer you certain services.
This type of technology can have several purposes such as recognising you as the user, obtaining information about your browsing habits or personalising the way you see our content.
This website uses different types of cookies, some of which are third party cookies. When using Google even, you might have accepted their own cookies. Google cookies are enabled even before you have allowed our own or third party cookies.
In the following section, you will find out what cookies are used by



Necessary Cookies

Necessary cookies allow a website to properly function by activating functionalities like browsing the website and accessing secure areas of the website. The website cannot properly function without these cookies.



Name Provider Purpose Expiration
_icl_current_language Saves language settings 1 day
cookies_configured This cookie saves whether the user has allowed cookies or not. 7 days
cookies_analytics_accepted This cookie allows analytical and advertising cookies. 7 days
cookies_analytics_denied This cookie refuses analytical and advertising cookies. 7 days
_GRECAPTCHA This is a GOOGLE RECAPTCHA cookie that protects the contact form against SPAM messages. 6 months


Statistical Cookies

Statistical cookies help website owners learn how visitors use their website without providing personal information about the user.
To disable Google Analytics cookies, you can install the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on that will prevent statistical information from being sent. It is available at the following link:


Nombre Proveedor Propósito Caducidad
_utma Google Analytics Collects data on the number of times the user has logged on to the website. 2 years
_utmb Google Analytics Records the exact time the visitor accesses the website. 1 day
__utmc Google Analytics Records the exact time the visitor accesses the website. Cookie de session
__utmt Google Analytics Rates the responsiveness of the server. 1 day
__utmz Google Analytics Collect information about where you come from, what you are looking for, etc. 6 months


How to Able/Disable Cookies in the Main Browsers:

Usually, it is possible to disable browser cookies, or disable cookies for a specific service. All modern browsers allow you to change your cookie settings. These settings can usually be found in the ‘Options’ or ‘Preferences’ menu of your browser. You can also adjust the settings of your browser or your email provider.

The following provides the User guidance on the steps to follow to access the menu for cookie settings and, where appropriate, private browsing in each of the main browsers:

Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Settings. For more information, you can check Microsoft support or the browser’s Help.

Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Custom Settings. For more information, you can visit Mozilla support or the browser’s Help.

Chrome: Settings -> Show advanced options -> Privacy -> Content settings. For more information, you can refer to Google support or the browser’s Help.

Safari: Preferences -> Security. For more information, you can visit Apple support or the browser’s Help.


What happens if cookies are disabled?

Some functionalities of the Services will be disabled, such as, remaining logged in, keeping purchases in the “shopping cart”, etc.